
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

The Department of Education was started in 1969-70 with the Pre-University classes. Late Jagannath Sarmah, MA, B.SC.BT was the founder lecturer of the department. The Major course was introduced on 23rd August 1995. The department is running with Mr. Bijoy Timung, Asstt. Professor (HOD), Ms. Pronita Rajkhowa, Asstt. Professor   and   Ms. Sudarshana Phukan Asstt. Professor. The department has been organizing various kinds of activities such as field studies, excursions, development works, social service, felicitation programs, seminars, group discussions, skill enhancement courses, get together and so on. The department of Education has been able to achieve the BEST GRADUATE of MAJULI COLLEGE 7 (SEVEN) nos from 2011 and MAJULI DISTRICT BEST GRADUATE 3 (THREE) nos. 900 nos. of books are available in the departmental library which has been functioning since 2003 and with few important Journals. The Department has a reading corner for students. It has its own desktop computer. The department annually publishes a wall-magazine ‘SIKSHAJYOTI’ where writings of the students and teachers of the department are published. Our Majuli College was accredited by NAAC and the department was highly appreciated by the NAAC peer team and we have been trying to be the level best to achieve our goal.


The vision of the department is to make all-around development of students, quality education, building good character, value education, promoting skill enhancement course, emphasis on curricular and co-curricular activities etc. So that the students can contribute their resource towards NATION BUILDING PROGRAMME.

Intake capacity (Major): 80  (Honors)

Major Equipment and Facilities:

  • The department has its own psychological Laboratory practical equipment.
  • Departmental Library (900 no. books)
  • Separate Reading corner for students.
  • One desk top for department uses.

Non-teaching Staff: Mr. Nogen Saikia ( Laboratory Bearer )


Ms. Pronita Rajkhowa

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9435208341, 6001988935
Email: rajkhowapranita@gmail.com View Profile

Mr. Bijoy Timung

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9678847072
Email: bijoytimung@gmail.com View Profile

Ms. Sudarshana Phukan

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 8404091286
Email: sphukan467@gmail.com View Profile