
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

Department of Economics, Majuli College is as old as our institution which was established in 1962. The department was headed by founder professor Bipin Ch. Goswami till his retirement in 2000. In 1965, Professor Muhidhar Bharali joined as lecturer in the department and he retired from the service in 1998. In 1967, Professor Umakanta Rajkhowa joined the department and he retired from the college in 2004. In December 1991, Dr. Rajen Chandra Borah joined the department as a lecturer and a few years later Dr.Debajit Saikia and Dr.Brojen Chandra Neog joined the department as a lecturer. Dr.Debajit Saikia was promoted to Principal in our college in the year 2015. In 2006, for the first time a permanent lady teacher, Dr. Rupjyoti Borah was appointed in the department. In February-2020, Mr. Dinesh Pegu, another alumnus had got a permanent appointment in our department.

At present we have four faculty members namely Dr. Rajen Chandra Borah, Dr.Brojen Chandra Neog, Dr.Rupjyoti Borah, and Mr. Dinesh Pegu,(MA, MPhil).

Department of Economics has a glorious legacy with good academic performance in the diverse fields of society. Now the departmental total students ‘strength in the Honours course is 57 covering first semester 17, Third semester 15, and Fifth semester 25. Faculty members are also cooperative and dynamic.


The Economics department has a vision of transforming the department into the postgraduate level and establishing it as an excellent research Centre that will focus on scientific and economic analysis of our socio-economic problems and fulfil the growing needs of society in the future.

Intake capacity (Major): 40


Dr. Rajen Chandra Borah

Designation: Associate Professor
Phone No: 9401007878
Email: rajenborah54@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Brojen Chandra Neog

Designation: Associate Professor
Phone No: 7002759568
Email: brojenchandraneog@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Rupjyoti Borah

Designation: Associate Professor
Phone No: 9435641634
Email: rupjyotiborah87@gmail.com View Profile

Mr. Dinesh Pegu

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9101541314
Email: dineshpegumc@gmail.com View Profile