
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

The department of Sociology, Majuli College was established in the year 1967. Dr. Madhab Ch. Goswami was the first man who established this department. Since this department journey, several teachers joining, motivating and leaving with valuable contribution for students and other societal parts. This department continues its dynamic nature with several aims and objectives. The retired teachers Dr Madhab Ch. Goswami, Bhola Borah (1975-2012), Kosheswar Hazarika (1989-2019) took several steps for development of this department. This department currently has three permanent faculties and one guest teacher with different specialization. The department has a small library to benefit for students.

Intake capacity:
BA 1st Semester: 70
BA 3RD Semester: 48
BA 5TH Semester: 48

Hand Writing Magazine: ‘ALOK SANDHAN’

Wall Magazine: Sanshrab

Field Visit: Sanitation and Drainers Awareness among the Sonowal-Kachari Community: A Case Study on Sonowal-Kachari Village of Majuli Sub-Division (2017-18)

Symposium: Symposium on ‘Gender Discrimination’ delivered by Prof. Jyoti Prasad Saikia, Department of Sociology, Dibrugarh University

Webinar: ‘Development Communication: A Comprehensive Approach’
Resource Person: Prof. Pranjal Sarma, Dibrugarh University

Our vision is continuous learning and identify all kind of societal knowledge. This department try to give quality and effective education for students. We always try to support and help people which is indeed part of society.


Suren Ch. Das

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9401113347
Email: surendas2020@gmail.com View Profile

Pronab Joyti Borah

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9435578156, 9101733932
Email: borahpranab080@gmail.com View Profile


Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MA, Phd
Phone No: +9196788 37570
Email: shrutitalukdar05@gmail.com View Profile