
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

Sanskrit as a subject was introduced in Pre-University class in 1962 with an intention to spread the knowledge of idealism/ morality and spiritualism. Mr. Tarun Ch. Sarma M.A., B.T. was appointed as the founder teacher. In 1976, Mr. Dharmeswar Nath M.A. was appointed to cater to the need of the teaching staff. Prior to the appointment of Mr. D. Nath, Mr. Satish Ch. Sarma M.A., B.Ed., served the department for a period of three months. During the session 2001-2002, Mr. Ram Charan Sarma, M.A. served the department for a few months.

Mr. Tarun Ch. Sarma obtained his Ph.D. degree from Gauhati University in the year 1997. He retired from his service in the year 2005. Mr. Profulla Bora, M.A. was appointed in the same year. Mr. Dharmeswar Nath retired in the year 2009. Mr. Profulla Borah obtained M.Phil. degree from Assam University, Silchar in 2009, and he was also awarded the Ph.D. degree in 2014 by the same university.

The journey of the department so far has been very enriching and fulfilling. During the last decades, the department grew as the only Sanskrit learning center of higher education in the entire island district.


  • Introducing students with rich ancient Indian wisdom, culture, and civilization.
  • Improving the skill necessary for communication in Sanskrit.
    Enhancing holistic personality development of students through Sanskrit studies.
  • Improving the quality of human life, ethics, social values, etc. with our heritage culture and literature.


Dr. Profulla Borah

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: profullaborah5@gmail.com
Email: 9864688721 View Profile