
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

The Department of Political Science of Majuli College, which was established in the Year 1962, is one of the oldest departments in the College and a pioneer in Majuli District. In the year 2012, the department completed 50 years of its glorious presence with significant contribution towards teaching the discipline of Political Science. The department received Deficit Grant in the year 1966. Since its inception till today, several thousand students have walked through the portals of this department, many of whom have made their mark in academic as well as in public life. At present, the department is actively engaged not only in organizing formal courses of learning in the subject but also in promoting research activities among them.

During the initial period, the department was manned by teachers like Bhupen Hazarika, Nabin Gogoi Chandradhar Baruah, Kangendranath Borgohain, Hareswar Borah and Jogeshwar Doley. Under their dedicated leadership, the Department grew in strength and vitality. Then Jitendra Nath Deka joined the department who is an alumnus of the department. He became the head of the department and retired in the year 2019. Then the headship passes on to Anil Ch. Hazarika. Now there are four full-time teachers in the department.

Mission and Vision of the Department

The Department plans to elevate its status to a leading centre in the field of teaching and research and reaching out to the community. The principal objectives of the plan are:

  • To provide quality education by developing their basic concepts of Political Science like Political Theory, Government, Constitution, etc.
  • To make the students research-oriented.
  • To make the students aware of the different socio-political issues by teaching them subjects like Human Rights, Public Policy.

Intake capacity: 60

Departmental Activities

Wall Magazine: The department has a yearly wall magazine named “Paragon Live” which is solely prepared by the students of the department.

Webinars: The department has organized two National Webinars-

  1. THE CHANGING NATURE OF INDO-CHINA RELATIONSHIP UNDER PM NARENDRA MODI“, Resource Person: Dr. Jaygeswar Bora, Head, Department of Political Science, Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya.
  2. Socio-Political Dynamics of Border Disputes in North East India With Special Reference to Assam -Mizoram Border Dispute“., Resource Person: Dr. Trailokya Gogoi, Department of Political Science, Dhemaji College.


Bipul Rajkhowa

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 7002435255
Email: bipulrajkhow6@gmail.com

Tulshi Rajkhowa

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 943529265
Email: tulshirajkhowa134@gmail.com View Profile

Abhinav Sankar Goswami

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: +918638508089
Email: abhinavsankar24@gmail.com View Profile

Bidisha Bhattacharyya

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MA
Phone No: +91 8403813573
Email: bidisha12bhatta@gmail.com View Profile