
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

The Geography subject was introduced at the Pre-University level along with other Arts subjects in 1975. Sri J.C Nath volunteered to take these subject classes along with laboratory works. Sri N. C. Thakuria joined the department in 1975 as the full-time lecturer. He took utmost initiatives to build the department to the presently available facilities. At present, the department has three permanent Assistant Professors and two Guest teachers along with one laboratory bearer.


The goal and objective of the department are to bring about and highlight the socio-economic perspectives in association with the geographical aspects. We encourage the students to equip themselves with proper knowledge to explore opportunities in various public and private sectors. The outgoing graduates are trained up in such a way to get engagement in various agencies such as Home Department, Public Service Commission, Education Department, Planning Department, and Health Department.

Intake capacity (Major): 30

Major Equipment and Facilities:

  • Library: The Geography department is equipped with huge collection of departmental books, journal, reference books which are accessible to the students. Computer learning and surfing facilities is being provided to the student for their learning activities.
  • Laboratory: The Geography department is fully equipped with topographical, surveying, cartographical instruments for performing various outdoor and indoor practical works. The Department also prefers to provide project cum excursion activities to broaden the knowledge of both temporal and spatial context.

Non-teaching Staff: Sri Jadab Payeng ( Laboratory Bearer )


Sri Prosanta Saikia

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 7002478794
Email: prosantasaikia250@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Jaya Kalita Gogoi

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 9401128002
Email: jayakalitagogoi@gmail.com View Profile

Acharjya Mohan Das

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 7002152828
Email: acharjyamsc31@gmail.com View Profile

Ranjan Regon

Designation: Guest Faculty
Phone No: 708677183
Email: regonranjan@rediffmail.com