
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

Majuli College is one of the premier institutions of higher education in Majuli, a District of Assam with cultural importance. At the time of its establishment i.e., August 1, 1962, only the Arts stream was started in the college. Later, in the year 1978, the Science stream was also started in the college, and the Department of Chemistry along with other Department of Science streams came into being. In the year 1978, there was only one faculty in the department, he was Mr. Rose Dutta who laid the foundation stone of this Department, and thereafter other prominent faculties joined who brought this department into the limelight and worked persistently to provide quality education to the students.

The Laboratory of the Department was shifted to its new building in October 2002. The major course was started in 2003. In order to bring the best out of the students, the department now owns another well-equipped sophisticated laboratory which was established in December 2020. Till today, the Department of Chemistry witnessed 10 highly qualified and dedicated faculties since its birth, out of which 7 got retired leaving their remarkable footprints and currently, 3 faculties are working hard to take this department to another level.

Department of Chemistry always provides a helping hand to tackle any problem related to college or society. During the time of the corona outbreak in 2019, faculties prepared a handful amount of hand sanitizers and donated them to the staff and local people.


The main vision of the Department of Chemistry is to prepare the students to compete globally through their rich knowledge of Chemistry. We dedicate ourselves to creating a chemically literate society through classroom teaching, lab work, seminars, workshops, and counseling. Another vision is to create awareness about the need for scientific temperament among the students.

Our goal is not only to empower students but being one of the finest departments of prestigious Majuli College, we always try our best to help & support the local people in times of any crisis/pandemic.

Intake capacity (Major): 20 per semester

Major Equipment and Facilities:

UV-Visible spectrophotometer, BOD measurement instrument, Digital balance, Calorimeter, pH meter, Conductometric Bridge, Potentiometer, Colorimeter, Electric Oven

Non-teaching Staff:

  1. Pallab Jyoti Bhuyan ( Laboratory staff )
  2. Dhiren Baruah ( Laboratory Bearer )


Ajit Kumar Saikia

Designation: Associate Professor
Phone No: 9401069476
Email: ajitsaikia038@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 8638475633
Email: djbhatta66@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Bishal Bhuyan

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: 8399869142
Email: bishalbhuyan12@gmail.com View Profile