
Accredited "B++" by NAAC

Accredited "B++" by NAAC

About the Department

It was an auspicious moment in the year 1978 when the department of Botany was established with the other department of science of Majuli College, Kamlabari. However, the Dept. of Botany along with other Science stream was brought under the Deficit Grants in aid system by Govt. of Assam in the year 1986 and only three teachings and one bearer post were sanctioned for the department. The Major course started in botany in 1996.


From the beginning of the department, a large number of students came in and went out holding bachelor’s degrees. Our prime objective is to develop a scientific temperament about plant science among all graduate students of Majuli College.

Our mission is to provide learner- cantered environment ensuring that all students have equal opportunity to achieve their educational goal, identify the hidden talents, and prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge, skills and ability to think critically and creatively. To provide quality education for all students and enable them to realize their full intellectual potential and empower them to meet the top challenges as active participants in today’s highly technical global society.

Intake capacity: 25 (honors)

Major Equipment and Facilities:

  • Freezer (4◦ C)
  • pH meter
  • Weighing balance
  • Hot air oven
  • Distillation unit
  • Binocular microscope
  • Microtome
  • Auto clave unit
  • Incubator
  • Calorimeter

Non-teaching Staff: Sri Joga Pahadi ( Laboratory Bearer )


Mrs. Indira Borah

Designation: Associate Professor
Phone No: +91 8471881145
Email: indiraborah11@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Juli Gogoi

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: +91 7002686367
Email: Juliegogoip@gmail.com View Profile

Dr. Md Aminul Islam

Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone No: +91 8851408824
Email: aminul.islam102@gmail.com View Profile