
Course Outcomes

Department Of Assamese

Programme Outcomes:

PO 1: Students will understand the basic concepts of concept and knowledge of Assamese language and literature.

PO 2: Students will learn the History of Early, Medieval and Modern Assamese literature .

PO 3: Students will get the ideas of Assamese Poetry and  Prose.

PO 4:  Students will acquire the knowledge of  Modern western and Indian Writers who writes so many famous books in their life.

PO 5: Students will learn about the Cultural History of Assam and classification Scopes of Assamese culture.

PO 6: Students will be able to write Creative Literature.

PO 7: Students will be able to face various competitive examination and interviews

Course Outcomes:

C 1 To understand the history of Old and Medieval Assamese literature.

To learn the characteristics and diversity of Assamese Literature till the Post Sankardev’s  period and Assamese folk literature.

C 2 To understand the history of Modern Assamese literature and the concept and trends of contemporary Assamese literature

To know the characteristics and diversity of Assamese Literature from Arunodai to Contemporary Period.

C 3 Introduction of linguistics and its branches as well as the aspects of study of linguistics..

To identify and explain the meaning of languages, nature and scope and its various


C 4 To understand the basic theory of Indian Aesthetics and its history

To Provides knowledge of Indian and Western literary theory.

C 5 To know the different types of literary criticism and methods.

To understand the  nature of  different literature.

C 6 To understand the history of Assamese poetry and Trends.

To Know the various poems and poets of Assamese Literature.

C 7 To understand the basic concept of Culture and the culture of all tribes of north east.

To understand the life style, food habit, rituals and all other thing about north east tribes.

C 8 To know the nature, scope and meaning of Comparative Indian Literature and the various prospective of studies of it.

To compare various literary texts of Assamese with texts of different languages in the world.

C 9 To create the knowledge of Indo Aryan Language and Literature.

To understand the grammatical trends of Sanskrit language and development of Assamese Language.

C 10 To understand trends and history Assamese prose.

To know  the glorious history of Assamese prose by reading selected portions of Assamese prose.

Department Of Botany

Course Outcome (COs): (B.Sc. Botany)

CO1: Understand the basic microbial structure, functions, nutrition, growth and metabolism.

CO2: Concept of Biomolecules, Bioenergetics, Enzymes and Cell Biology.

CO3: Details of general characteristics, ecology, life cycles and economic importance of Algae, Fungi and Archegoniate

CO4: Detail structure and development of plant body, adaptive and protective system of plant body.

CO5: Knowledge of origin of cultivated plants, Morphology processing and uses of different economically important plants.

CO6: Details of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology and its application

CO7: Knowledge of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography, Plant Systematics and Reproductive biology of Angiosperm.

CO8: Concept of Plant Physiology and Metabolism.


Programme Outcomes (POs): B.Sc. Botany

PO 1: Introduction to the microbial world.

PO2: To understand importance of structural biomolecules, laws of thermodynamics in biological system.

PO3: To acquire detail knowledge on morphology, anatomy, reproduction, life cycle of different plant groups.

PO4: To understand the detail anatomical structure of plant body and adaptive and protective mechanism of different plants.

PO5:  To acquire basic knowledge on the economically important plants, its identification, processing and application on human welfare.

PO6: To acquire knowledge on Genetics and Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology and its application.

PO7: To understand issue of environmental contents and sustainable development, distribution of plants over the globe, population dynamics and conservation ecology.

PO8: To acquire knowledge on plant physiology and metabolism.


Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs): B.Sc. Botany

PSO 1: Understand the basic concept of microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry taxonomy, genetics and ecology.

PSO2: Application of biological science in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine.

Department of B. Voc. IT

Department of Chemistry

Course Outcome: (B.SC. Chemistry)

CO 1: Introduction of basic inorganic and physical chemistry

CO 2:  Concept of basic organic chemistry and importance of chemical thermodynamics.

CO 3:  Details about metals, noble gases, hydrocarbons and kinetics.

CO 4: Introduction of coordination chemistry and transition elements along with demonstration of different classes of N-based organic compounds. This course also briefly explains about the important areas of electrochemistry and conductance.

CO 5: Concept of biochemistry along with the introduction of molecular spectroscopy as well aspects of quantum chemistry.

CO 6: This particular course focuses on the study of organometallic compounds and the introduction of the components of industrial chemistry.


Program Outcome:

PO 1: Students shall understand the basic concepts of bonding, structure of atom from the quantum mechanics point of view and minute details of different states of matter.      

PO 2: Students shall learn the different aspects of basic organic chemistry as well as thermodynamics.   

PO 3: Students shall get the ideas of kinetics and other surface phenomena along with detailed chemistry of hydrocarbons and metals.      

PO 4:  Students will acquire the ability to identify different Nitrogen based derivatives and their reactivity, structure –mechanism and total synthesis. They will understand the theories of conductance, solubility and importance of transition elements along with the chemistry of coordination compounds.       

PO 5: Students shall learn about the chemistry of different biomolecules and their significances. They will simultaneously get the concept of quantum chemistry and acquire the knowledge on spectroscopy.          

PO 6: Students shall understand the application of catalysts and concept of organometallic compounds. They will also learn about structure elucidation of organic molecules with the help of by spectroscopic techniques and get the idea about applied chemistry.   


Program specific outcome:                             

PSO 1: Understand the basic concept of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry along with its details and significance.

PSO 2: To study the chemistry of molecules, its synthesis, structure determination and their application in industry as well as pharma sector.   

PSO 3: Approach to introduce with the different laboratory tools and techniques to identify, synthesize and analyze different chemical compounds.

Department of Economics

Course outcome of BA Economics (CBCS)

Co-1: this course is designed in such a way that the students can understand the basic principles of microeconomics. It will enrich their knowledge of economics and expand their mental horizon which will enable them to apply the economic ideas in real life situations.

Co-2:  This course is mainly designed to grab the basic knowledge of preliminary mathematics and the concepts of macroeconomics. It will enable the students to use mathematics to explain economics problems in general.

Co-3: This course has been designed to provide a sound training in microeconomics theory to formally analyse the behavior of individual agents. The students are to some extent familiar with preliminary concepts of mathematics in previous semesters, so mathematical tools are used to facilitate understanding of the basic concepts. This course also covers the behavior of consumers and producers under the condition of competitive market conditions.

Co-4: This course is mainly concerned with essentials of microeconomics. It gives emphasis on giving conceptual clarity of the students coupled with the use of mathematical tools and reasoning. It covers general equilibrium and welfare under the conditions of imperfect market conditions.


Co-(iii): This course is mainly designed to develop the understanding of some basic concepts of micro-economics. It will enhance the economic reasoning of the learners to anaylse the behavioral patterns of different economic agents, to understand the decision making process in different market situations. After all, the learners will acquire good knowledge of microeconomics which is very much important for understanding the modern economy functions.

Co-(iv): This course gives emphasis on acquaint the learners with some basic mathematical methods that can be applied in economics. The quantitative analysis is considered very essential to find out the solutions of problems in the society in general.

Co-(v): This course is designed in such a way that it can acquaint the learners with the measurement of development with the help of theories along with conceptual issues of poverty, inequality with Indian Prospective.

Co-(VI): The final year course of Non-CBCS gives emphasis on acquaints the students with the developing issues of Indian Economy. This course will enable the learners to understand the development problems of North-East India in particular.

Programme Outcome of BA Economics (CBCS)

Co-(I): Acquiring the knowledge of microeconomics is main Objective of this course by which they can use these microeconomic concepts in their real life situations. 

Co-(II):  Knowledge of mathematics and macroeconomics is very much necessary to solve the economic problems of society in general and real life of the learners in particular.

Co-(III)):  A clear concept of microeconomics and mathematics is very much important for the students of economics. This knowledge is extensively used to analyse the consumers and producers behavior under the condition of perfect market.

Co-(IV): To analyse the general equilibrium and welfare economics under the conditions of imperfect market condition requires the knowledge of microeconomics concepts and mathematical tools.


Co-(III):  How to define basic concepts of poverty and inequalities in the process of development along with preparation of policy measures to solve it.

C0-(IV) : How can we apply mathematical  tools in economics to solve economic problems, i,e,- profit maximization, cost minimization, utility, etc,.

Co-(V): To Understand practical knowledge of public finance in particular reference to collection of revenue, expenditure, allocation of resources and preparation of budget.

Co-(VI): Learners have to understand the basic problems of Indian economy covering all the dimensions with a particular reference to NE region.

Department of Education

Course name: CBCS, EDNH;  Dibrugarh University

Course Outcome:

The Under Graduate course in Education Honours course gives opportunity the student to understand and describe the meaning, nature, aims, function and role of Education and its different scopes. The course explain the basics as well as emerging trends, concepts of Indian and Western schools of Philosophy and their impact on Education. It discusses about different Ideologies and contributions of great educators around the world. The course also comprises understanding, explaining the meaning and different perspectives of Sociological, Psychological, technological foundations of Education. It identifies different theories of intelligence, personality, aptitude etc. The course is practices on teaching methods, measurement and evaluation in Education with psychological basis. The history of Indian education from the very beginning of Indian Education system and recommendations of the different Education Commissions are also included in the course. The course also contains with value, mental health issues, Guidance and counseling, child psychology. It emphasizes on relationship of education and economic development in context of modern era. The course is also tries promote research activities in the field of social science etc.

One of the most important outcome of the course that it tries to develop positive attitude and awareness towards society, and higher studies in the field of Education.

Program outcome:

The Education encompasses different perspective of teaching, psychology and allied aspects. It enhances the knowledge and understanding pertaining to social cultural aspect. The course assists the student towards the preparation and implementation of teaching methodologies.   i.e.

PO1. To understand the various modern concepts, aims, functions and role of education, role of philosophy and basic tenets of Indian and Western Philosophy with appraise the contribution of philosophers.

PO2. To explain and illustrate concept, approach, theories, social aspects, social process and social change and development, different political ideologies with the basis of education.

PO3. To explain and analysis Psychology and experimental psychology and related area

PO4. To describe and practice methodology of teaching

PO5. To appraise the contribution of philosophers in the domain of education and justify the relevance of the thoughts of the philosopher

PO5. To identify and explain the challenges of Indian education system of new perspectives of education

PO6. To solve the primary problems faced in the project work or field work at social science research in education etc.

Program Specific Outcome:

PSO1. Understand the nature and basic concepts of education, psychology and education psychology, mental health issues, needs of measurement and evaluation in education, experimental psychology, education and economics etc.

PSO2. Analyse and enumerate the relationship between education and different social science subjects.

PSO3. Understand the skills of methodology of teaching and project report preparing, applications of   Micro- teaching, preparing lesson- plans, practice teaching etc.

PSO4. Determine educational avenues like research, teaching, competitive examination, studying in DIET, B.ED, D. El. Ed.etc.

Department of English

Course Outcome

  • CO1: understanding Indian classical mythology in its relation to and contrast with European classical literary tradition.
  • CO2: Interpretation and appreciation of major classical texts of different ages of Indian literary history.
  • CO3: Appreciation of the creative space and impulse of the popular literature of the world.
  • CO4: Understanding various concepts and ideas pertaining to each period of the history of British literature.
  • CO5: Getting sensitized to the gender-related issues and being able to see the world from the perspective of the ‘Other’.
  • CO6: Appreciate and estimate the genre of modern European drama along with its problematic.
  • CO 7: Comprehensive knowledge of English social and cultural history.
  • CO 8: Understanding the history and nature of English language and linguistics.
  • CO 9: Knowledge of the major traditions of literature written in English.
  • CO 10: Study of prose, fiction, poetry, drama, philosophy of different traditions including British, Indian and American.
  • CO 11: Understanding the concept of postcolonialism and being able to critically appreciate postcolonial texts.
  • CO 12: Develop an ability to study texts in relation to their historical and cultural contexts.
  • CO 13: Knowledge of major literary genres, terms and concepts such as modernism and postmodernism.
  • CO 14: Develop the ability to read works of criticism and theory.


Program Outcomes

  • PO 1: Estimate the implications of the relation between literature and society.
  • PO 1: Reading and analyzing various literary texts.
  • PO 2: Negotiating several aspects of literature like style, content, plot, character, genre etc. and explore these while studying English literature.
  • PO 3: Writing skills with clear and grammatically correct sentences.
  • PO 4: Demonstrate to use critical terms and theory in analyzing texts.
  • PO 5: Organize Seminar and Group Discussion on a variety of topics of English literature and language.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

  • PSO 1: Understand the basic relation between language and literature
  • PSO2: understand the characteristic features of Indian Drama vis-à-vis world drama.
  • PSO 3: Demonstrate the skills required for effective communication in English.

Department of Geography

  1. Geography is a subject which has relation with all other subjects of Earth Sciences
  1. Economic establishment with different human activities. Resource of Developments based on Physiographic in the difference part of the world.
  1. Factors responsible for the development of a region.
  1. Use of modern tools and technique in the field of Geographical study.
  1. Concept of climate. Factors responsible for the climatic change in the different parts of the region.
  1. Historical background of Geographical study.
  1. Burning problems of climatic change and their courses. Environments imbalance due to various factors. Sustainable developments.
  1. Concepts of Surveying and leveling use of Map projection.
  1. Disaster Man-Made and Natural awareness program.
  1. Resource and development of North East Status.

Course Outcome 

  1. Geography interrelation between other Subjects well as relation as the other branch of Earth science.
  1. To acquit the students with the various sector economy importance and spatial distribution resource.
  1. Ability to identification of climatic difference of the Earth and consequence of human ctivities of the atmospheric processes.
  1. Awareness among the students regarding the Multi-dimensional nature of regional space and the resultant spatial structure.
  1. To developed skills among the students regarding the use of modern tools and technique like GPS, GIS, interaction and comparison of Satellite imageries.
  1. Ability to know the history of Geographical thought- thought the course of time by the students.
  1. Environment conservation and degradation with related problems like climatic change.
  1. Cartographic method Projection Survey etc.
  1. Disaster and its managements.
  1. North East India.

Department of History

After completing this programme, student is expected to:
PO1: Give requisite information about different aspects of the past.

PO2: Incorporate the authentic historical information for the betterment of society.

PO3: Analyse how historians research, frame an argument and debate the details that have significance to understand the past and the present.

PO4: Inculcate a sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problematizing, synthesizing and articulating; ability to recognize cause and effect relationships, define problems, formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses, analyze interpret and draw conclusions from data, establish hypotheses, predict cause and effect relationship: ability to plan execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation.

PO5: Develop a sense of interconnectedness of our present with the past and how learning about the past provides them with the skills to understand the present.

PO6: Understand that historical facts are not static since new discoveries are constantly thrown up by archeology, generics, climate sciences and so on.

PO7: Capability to assume leadership roles and apply the above mentioned analytical abilities in various other non-familiar contexts.

After completing this programme, student is expected to: –

PSO1: UNDERSTAND the basic themes, concepts, chronology and the scope of Indian history.

PSO2: UNDERSTAND background of our religion, custom, institutions, administration and so on.

PSO3: ANALYSE the relationship between the present and past and society in global context.

PSO4: EXAMINE multiple points of intersection of history with disciplines in the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

PSO5: DEVELOP practical skills helpful in the study and understanding of historical events like drawing historical maps, charts, diagrams and prepare historical models, tools etc.

PSO6: Develop interests in the study of history and activities relating to history. The students will be able to locate primary sources, analyze evidence and situate them in historical context.

(a) Collect ancient arts, old coins and other historical materials;
(b) Participate in historical drama and historical occasions;
(c) Visit places of historical interests, archaeological sites, museums and archives;
(d) Read historical documents, maps, charts etc.
(e) Play active roles in activities of the historical organizations and associations;
(f) Write articles on historical topics.

PSO7: The study of history helps to impart moral education.

PSO8. Proper knowledge of history instills the feeling of true patriotism.

PSO9: Prepare for various types of competitive exams.

PSO10: The ability to use bibliographical tools for the advanced study of history.

PSO11: To develop an appreciation of themselves & of other through the study of the past in local, regional, national and global context.


C01: Analyze the various source materials for the reconstruction of Ancient Indian History and the approaches of historical reconstruction.


CO2: ACQUAINT with the evolution of humankind, the beginning of food production, the bronze age, advent of iron, the slave society in ancient Greece, the economy and the Political culture of the ancient Greece.

HISHC103 History of India II
CO3: acquaints the students with agrarian economy, the growth of urban centres in northern and central India and the Deccan as well as craft production, trade routes and coinage
CO4: Process of state formation and the Mauryan and post-Mauryan plities with special reference to the Kushnas, Satavahanas and Gana-Sanghas.
CO5: Land grants, land rights and peasantry, urban decline and religious traditions of early India

Acquainted with the Roman Empire, slave society, the cultural and trade, the crisis and disintegration of the Roman Empire.
CO7:The learners will be exposed to Economic development in Europe from 7th to 14th centuries covering production, technological developments, growth of towns and trade and feudal crisis

HISHC105 HISTORY OF India III(c. 750-1206)
CO8: Students will learn and analyze about the transition from historic centuries to the early medieval. They’ll be able to delineate changes in the realm of polity and culture; puranic religion; the growth of vernacular languages and newer forms of art and architecture

CO9: To develop the understanding Europe from a theocratic society to modern Nation state system. Renaissance and its aftermath on European Society, Economy, polity and Culture leading to subsequent development of Nation State and emergence of new ideologies. culminating in the form of French Revolution.

HISHC107 HISTORY OF India IV(c.1206-1550)
CO10: Students will be able to identify the major political developments in the History of India during the period between the twelfth and the sixteenth century. Outline the changes and continuities in the field of culture, especially with regard to art, architecture, bhakti movement and sufi movement. Delineate the development of trade and urban complexes during this period.

Transition from feudalism to capitalism, rise of modern science, development of enlightenment and origin of American revolution.

HISHC109 HISTORY OF India-V(c. 1550-1605)
Students will be able to identify the major political developments in the History of India during the period between the sixteenth and the seventeenth century. Development in the socio-economic political and religious ideas in the period.

HISHC1010 HISTORY OF India VI(c. 1605-1750)
Students will be able to identify the major political developments in the History of India during the period between the seventeenth and the early eighteenth century. Transition in the painting, architecture, trade and commerce during the period.

analyze the historical developments in Europe between 1780-1939. As it focuses on the democratic & socialist foundations of modern Europe, they will be able to situate historical developments of socialist upsurge & the economic forces of the wars, other ideological shifts.

HISHC1012 HISTORY OF India VI (c. 1750-1857)
Trace the British colonial expansion in the political contexts of eighteenth century India. They will learn about the changes in society, politics, religion and economy during this period. They’ll also acquire knowledge about the freedom struggle.

HISHC1013 HISTORY OF India VII (c. 1857-1950)
Cover core issues pertaining to vast canvass of nationalist history so that the student at the under graduate level is equipped to focus upon the core ideas of national movement in its contextuality. India’s quest for independence and nation building are interwoven script of history, debated most widely at global level with various angles. Indeed, India’s national movement has vast and divergent ideological base with inner contradictions.

Have an understanding of an era of shifting history from Euro centric to World. Able to discuss the turbulent times when totalitarianism rose as an alternative to democratic and liberal ideal and also the growing desire for peace through formation of organizations

UNDERSTAND the focus and aspects of changes and development in the socio-political and economic life in Assam during the British administration.

Introduce with the basics of the discipline of History and acquaint themselves to understanding of the sources in their varied forms, contents, uses and analysis.

Students will enhance their knowledge of the history of America. It will help them understand, synthesize and analyze the major themes and debates in the historiography of America.

UNDERSTAND the general outline of the history of Assam from the 13th century to the occupation of Assam by the English East India Company in the first quarter of the 19th century and the major stages of developments in the political, social and cultural history of the state during the most important formative period.

ACQUAINT the students with the general outline of the history of India from the known earliest times to the coming of the Mughals to India in the first quarter of the 16th century and a comprehensive idea of the developments in all spheres of life during this period.

HISGE3 HISTORY OF India 1526-1947
UNDERSTAND the state of medieval times, administrative apparatus and society, economy and culture of Mughal period, factors leading to the establishment and consolidation of British rule, growth of nationalism and the circumstances leading to the transfer of power to the Indians.

UNDERSTAND the focus and aspects of changes and development in the socio-political and economic life in Assam during the British administration.

UNDERSTAND the major trends and development that took in Europe which ushered in Modern Age.

Department of Mathematics


C1.1 Calculus: The students will be able to apply Calculus in real life problem. Also, the students will be able to formulate mathematical models.

C1.2 Algebra: Student will be able to describe various algebraic structures on sets and also identify the algebraic structures present in different branches of sciences.

C2.1 Real Analysis: Students will be able to identify the properties of the number system. The students will also be able to describe various analytical properties of the real number system.

C2.2 Differential Equations: The student will be able to use the techniques to solve differential equations. They also able to apply these techniques in various mathematical models used in real life problems.

C3.1 Theory of Real Functions: The students will be able to discuss limit, continuity and differentiability of real valued functions and also they will be able to expand functions in series and different form remainders.

C3.2 Group Theory I: The students will be able to describe various group structures on sets and also able to identify the group structures present in different branches of sciences.

C3.3 PDE and Systems of ODE: The students will be able to make mathematical formulations and their solutions of various physical problems. They also will be able to design mathematical models used in heat, wave. Also they will be able to describe the Laplace equation and their solutions.   

C4.1 Numerical Methods: The students will be able to discuss various numerical methods and interpolation formulae and apply numerical techniques for solving differential equation.

C4.2 Riemann Integration and Series of Functions: The students will be able to understand about Riemann integration, improper integrals, differentiation and integration of power series.

C4.3 Ring Theory and Linear Algebra I: The students will be able to describe various ring structures on sets and able to solve the system of linear equations.

 C5.1 Multivariate Calculus: The students will be able to extend the concepts from one variable calculus to function of several variables. They will also be able to demonstrate the ability to think critically and solving application of real world problems involving double or triple integrals.

C5.2 Group Theory II: The students will be able to apply the results from preliminary concept of group theory to solve contemporary problems. Also they will be able to apply the results in communication theory, electrical engineering, computer science and cryptography.

C6.1 Metric Spaces and Complex analysisThe students will be able to describe various properties of metric spaces, complex number system, its differentiation and integration.

C6.2 Ring Theory and Linear Algebra II: The students will be able to apply theorems proof or solution techniques to solve real world problems. They will also be able to find the matrix associated with a linear transformation w. r. t. given bases and can understand the relationship between operations of linear transformations and corresponding matrices.

DSE-1.1 Analytical GeometryStudents will be able to sketch parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. They will also be able to solve various geometrical problems analytically.

DSE1.2 Portfolio Optimization: Students will be able to define portfolio optimization and apply them to real world problems.

DSE1.3 Financial mathematics: The students will be able to build quantitative models of financial mathematics or industries. They will also be to apply models to obtain information of practical value in the financial mathematics.

DSE2.1 Mathematical Modeling: The students will be able to solve differential equations and linear programming problems used in mathematical modeling.

DSE2.2 Mechanics: The students will be able to describe moment of a force and couple, general equation of equilibrium and also able to solve problems of translation and rotation of rigid bodies.

DSE2.3 Number Theory: The students will be able to define number theoretic functions.

DSE2.4 Bio-Mathematics: The students will be able to discuss various models and techniques to study Bio-Mathematics real life problems.

DSE2.5 Industrial Mathematics: The students will be able to use various types of numerical methods to model problems and use simulation to solve problem.

DSE3.1 Hydro-Mechanics: The students will be able to describe the basic properties of Fluid Mechanics.

DSE3.2 Linear Programming: The students will be able to describe various optimization techniques pertaining to linear programming and also able to apply it to problems arising out of real life problems.

DSE3.3 Discrete Mathematics: The students will be able to design graph theoretic models of real life problems.

DSE3.4 Theory of Equations: The students will be able to discuss various properties of algebraic equations, symmetric properties of roots and determination of roots.

DSE3.5 Dynamical Systems: The students will be able to discuss the qualitative properties of difference/ differential equations.

DSE4.1 Mathematical methods: The students will be able to construct mathematical models or real world problems.

DSE4.2 Boolean Algebra and Automata Theory: The students will be able to identify various lattice properties and apply them to describe switching circuits.

DSE4.3 Probability and Statistics: The students will be able to characterize the statistical techniques, define various statistical distributions and describe the mathematical theory of probability.

DSE4.4 Differential Geometry: The students will be able to describe various properties of space cures, surfaces and geodesics.

GE-1.1 Differential Calculus: Students will be able to differentiate functions, find tangent, normal, curvature, asymptotes etc.

GE1.2Object Oriented Programming in C++: Students will be able to C-programmes to solve Mathematical problems and design algorithms to solve problems.

GE1.3 Finite Element methods: Students will be able to describe finite element methods and differential equations using finite element methods.

GE2.1 Differential Equation: Students will be able to describe various methods for solving differential equations.

GE2.2 Econometrics: Students will be able to design models and solve problems related to Economic issues.

GE3.1 Real Analysis: Students will be able to describe various analytical properties of the real number system.

GE3.2 Cryptography and Network Security: Students will be able to discuss principles of Cryptography, explain the structure and organization of the complex network.

GE3.3 Information Security: Students will be able to describe security issues and data integrity.

GE4.1 Algebra: Students will be able to describe various algebraic structures on sets and identify the algebraic structures present in different branches of sciences.

GE4.2 Application of Algebra: Students will be able to explain various algebraic structure and solve system of linear equations.

GE4.3 Combinatorial Mathematics: Students will be able to use combinatorial approach in solving algebraic problems.



  1. Student will be able to apply Mathematics as a tool to solve problems of other disciplines viz, Science and Technology, Commerce and Management, Humanities, Soft-computing etc.
  2. Student will be able to develop new techniques or methods for solving the unsolved problems of the other disciplines.
  3. Student will be able to solve problem in the advance areas of (a) mathematical analysis, (b) linear algebra, (c) real analysis and (d) statistics.
  4. Student will be able to read analysis and write logical argument to prove mathematical concept.
  5. Student will be able to communicate mathematics idea with clarity and coherence, both written and verbally.
  6. Student will be able to perform research in conjunction with other as well as individually.
  7. Student will be able to apply critical thinking skills to solve problems that can be modeled mathematically.
  8. Student will be able to perform and model basic operations on real numbers.
  9. Student will be able to critically interpret numerical and graphical data.
  10. Student will be able to read and construct mathematical arguments and proofs.
  11. Student will be able to used computer technology appropriately to solve problem and to promote understanding.
  12. Student will be able to communicate a depth and breadth of mathematical knowledge, both orally and written.



Students who will successfully complete the programme:-

  1. Understand the foundation of mathematics.
  2. Will be able to perform basic computation in higher mathematics.
  3. Will be able to read and understand middle level proofs.
  4. Will be able to write and understand basic proofs.
  5. Developed and maintain problem solving skills.
  6. Will be able to communicate mathematical idea.
  7. Recognize real-world problems that are amenable to mathematical analysis, and formulate mathematical models of such problems.
  8. Apply mathematical methodologies to open ended real problems.
  9. Will be able to distinguish a coherent argument from a fallacious one, both in mathematical reasoning and in everyday life.
  10. Will be able to apply mathematical Knowledge to a carrier related to mathematical services or in post baccalaureate studies.

Department of Political Science

Course Outcome

  1. The course introduces the students with the Western Political Thinkers and their contributions, Theories and Philosophies.
  2. The basic objective of the course is to acquire knowledge on different forms of government and political systems of not only India but also other countries around the globe.
  3. The course helps the students in acquiring knowledge on administrative system of India.
  4. To acquaint the students with the theories and issues of International Relations, Global Politics, Foreign Policy, Diplomacy etc.
  5. In the course importance has been also given on Feminism, Human Rights, Public Policy, Politics of Assam etc.

Program Outcome

  1. The program helps the students to understand fundamental concepts of Political science.
  2. It contributes in acquiring knowledge on the entire political systems of different countries.
  3. It also helps in understanding both the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of government, NGOs, Pressure Groups, Elections etc.
  4. The course has significant role to give a way to the students in their engagement in different fields.
  5. The program helps the students in preparing for different competitive exams.

Program Specific Outcome

  1. Identify key figures and articulate important ideas of political theory and apply them to current trends and events in Politics.
  2. Demonstrate competent knowledge of world geography, comparative political systems and principles of international politics.
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate substantive knowledge of concepts and facts relevant to political science.
  4. It helps the students to undertake research on different socio-political issues specially on Northeast India in order to protect and promote ethnic diversity and indigenous culture of the region.
  5. To create awareness in society about various rights and freedoms enshrined in our constitution and create a generation with moral commitment to these values.
  6. To ensure a conducive learning ambience with a healthy teacher-student relationship.
  7. To understand social and academic intervention for the course of amelioration of the conditions of the marginalized people in the neighboring areas of the college.
  8. To develop critical insight and to create original, innovative idea

Department of Sanskrit

Course Outcome: 

  • Helps in acquiring knowledge on the basic nuances, theories of Sanskrit grammar.
  • Helps to develop the skill in framing sentences in Sanskrit.
  • Analyses the cultural heritage of India, acquaint with the history and background of Indian culture, and develop respect for Indian cultural tradition.
  • Introduce students with the concepts of Sanskrit poetics.
  • Analyses the basic concept of various branches of Indian philosophy. 
  • Acquaint the students with the various views on the nature of Sanskrit kavyas.  
  • Helps the students to develop to develop the capacity for creative writing in Sanskrit and literary appreciation.

Programme Outcome (POs): 

  • Enrich the general knowledge of Sanskrit grammar.
  • General introduction with thinking of east or intellectual disciplines i.e. Indian philosophy.
  • Enrich the basic concept of translation from Sanskrit to other language and vice-verse.
  • Provides knowledge on heritage of India. 
  • Able to know about the Sanskrit poetics or Saundarya shastra. 
  • Encourage to ethical judgment in various aspect of life

Department of Sociology

Course Outcome: 

CO1: To introduce sociological way of thinking. It also provides a detailed and specialized course in sociology.

CO2: Introduces the processes and modes of construction of knowledge of India.

CO3: This course provides a general introduction to sociological thought.

CO4: To provides the variety of ideas and debates about India. It engage with the multiple socio-political forces and ideologies which shape the terrain of the nation.

CO5: To comparative understanding of political relationships through themes such as power, governance and state and society relationships.

CO6: Understanding of religion through societal thinking.

CO7:  Introduces gender as a critical sociological lens of enquiry in relation to various social fields.

CO8: It provides understanding of social and cultural bases of economic activity. It highlights the significance of sociological analysis for the study of economic process in local and global contexts.

CO9: Introduce general principles of kinship and marriage by reference to key terms and theoretical statements.

CO10: Introduces sociological study of social inequalities and social stratification.

CO11: Understanding the classics in the making of the discipline of sociology.

CO12: Introduce to the methodologies of social research methods.

CO13: To introduce post-classical sociological thinking.

CO14: Introduce how research done, how formulate research design and methods of data collection.


Programme Outcome (POs): 

PO 1: To understand sociological knowledge

PO 2: To provide knowledge on theoretical as well as methodological perspective

PO 3: Understand the basic relation between society and men

PO 4: To organize seminar, group discussion and field view for knowledge gain

PO 5: To aware for basic rights, consciousness and duty

Department of Zoology

Course Outcome: 

CO 1: Description of the various forms of non chordates and Chordates.

CO 2: Concept of fundamentals of Ecology and Ecological factors on living organisms and structural anatomy.

CO 3: Concept of Cell Biology, Animal Physiology controlling and coordinating systems, fundamentals of Biochemistry.

CO 4: Concept of Comparative anatomy of Vertebrates.

CO 5: Details about Molecular Biology and Immunology, Principles of Genetics, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.

CO 6: Basic concept of parasitology, Ethology and Economic Zoology.


Programme Outcome (POs): 

PO 1: To understand various forms of Non chordates and Chordates, their classification and structural anatomy.

PO 2: Familiarising the students with the Ecological factors and its effect on living organisms.

PO 3: To expose the students to structure and function of Cell as the fundamental unit of life.

PO 4: To acquire basic knowledge about the comparative anatomy of integumentary system, skeletal system, Digestive system etc.

PO5:  To acquire knowledge about Molecular Biology and Immunology, Principles of Genetics, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.

PO 6: To understand the knowledge about Parasitology, Animal behaviour, application of Apiculture, Sericulture, Piggery, Poultry etc.


Programme Specific Outcome (PSOs): 

PSO 1: Understand the basic concepts of animal diversity,

PSO 2: Understand the concept of Zoology at the Molecular level and its application in human welfare and health.

PSO 3: Application of Biology in various practices like Sericulture, apiculture, aquaculture, poultry etc.